Ever felt tongue-tied? Who of us hasn't? There are situations in life when the last thing we want to do is make things worse for the person suffering. I'm guessing that many a visitation line at funeral homes are filled with people rehearsing just the right thing to say once they approach the family members. Then, as they do make that initial eye contact, all words are lost and the stumbling begins. It's a tough time for the mourners as well as the family of the loved one that has passed on; just one of many awkward situations when we don't want our words to let us down.
A passage read today from Matthew deals specifically with Jesus' words for the disciples to encourage them on the overwhelming task they have been given. He says, "When you are arrested, don't worry about what to say in your defense, because you will be given the right words at the right time. For it won't be you doing the talking--it will be the Spirit of your Father speaking through you." (10:19-20)
Even though we may not find ourselves in this extreme type of situation as the disciples found themselves in on a regular basis (what now is still shunned by some--a proclamation of Christ--was cause for arrest in those days since it caused civil disturbances as well as going against the beliefs of those days), we still find our words being "arrested" in the form of just not coming to us as we'd like when we're trying out best to assure, to show love, or to calm those amongst us. The problem is that we depend solely upon ourselves or the latest "self help" gibberish to do the job. It doesn't.
The simple solution to to ask God through His son Jesus for the right words...and then have FAITH that this will happen. And it will. He doesn't let us down. Just be sure to let go completely and let God be in all thoughts, words, and deeds to help others.
Many times the complexities we create for ourselves are quite simple when we clear out all the human foibles and ego. Take a deep breath, say a prayer, and bask in the comfort that faith provides. You will come up with the right thing to say to whomever, whenever. Guaranteed.
Blessings to All.
Thank you Tina! I needed to read this today. :)