Sunday, August 14, 2011

From Slave to Inheritor

Readings: Isaiah 63:7-16    Galatians 4:1-7     Luke 2:33-40

Mention the word "slave" today, and our blood runs cold. This, of course, is when it is viewed in recent US history. The term "slave", when used in ancient history, had a much broader meaning.

Everyone was a slave at one time in ancient history...everyone.
Even the most royal of the royal.

Childhood back in those days wasn't the marketing dream it is today. Small children were simply seen as little slaves that, if they survived, would have the chance of growing into the title of "son". Kind of harsh, but tough love was pretty much the rule of the day back then.

We won't go where that left the daughters...that's for another time.

However, back to the process.

In accordance with the writings in Galatians 4:1 "What I am saying is that as long as the heir is a child, he is no different from a slave, although he owns the whole estate," a child had to answer (or be a "slave") to a host of guardians, trustees and, of course, parents, before being deemed by his elders as ready to accept the role of son and heir. 

Now parallel that with our growth in our spirituality--see the pattern? 

We are all "slaves" to so many things of the world; our heads are easily turned. Once we discover the bliss of being truly spiritual, we, for a time, become "slaves" to God's direction through Christ. As we grow, we will be deemed a son and heir. (Thankfully a universal term...all females invited along this time.) Galatians 4:7 "So you are no longer a slave, but a son; and since you are a son, God has made you also an heir."

Sounds great! Sign us up.

But, it's not that easy...remember those times when the Jews were roaming about in the desert?
There was a reason...this slave to son to heir business is not just something we accept and then move on...we need to live it.

In Isaiah 63: 7-16, the people of Israel were shown some pretty tough love then they forgot the live it part of being inheritors of God's love and kingdom. And, as a good parent reluctantly does, God allowed them to understand the feeling of the result of doing wrong. Tough love. These were God's chosen ones. He showered love upon them as no one can other than God. And yet they turned away in defiance. So they became children of sorts again--slaves. They did a lot of wandering and a bit of pondering...I'm guessing a little whining too. Most kids do if they can get away with it. In their ignorance they just couldn't see why God had turned a deaf ear to them. Eventually, their whining turned to repentance and a plea for forgiveness. The wrongs were realized. And God showered them with love once again...the ultimate greatest parent. 

When looking at the roles of slave or son or inheritor, most of us would more than likely jump right on that inheritor bandwagon. Why be a slave when you can be the pampered one?  

Just be careful...words have many meanings.

When Joseph and Mary took their baby to the temple for his presentation, it was prophesied then and there that  Jesus would, indeed, be a Son and Inheritor. But that same prophesy carried with it the words to Mary, "And a sword will pierce your own soul, too" (v.35)  Being the Son and inheritor would bring the greatest of joys to Christ's mother, but also the greatest of sorrows. Being an inheritor is not always being the pampered one.

So where does that leave us? Starting to think that staying at "slave" status with scads of caregivers and over-seers the safest place to be? It sounds tempting at times. Just hunker down and let the world go by. 

But we're made in God's image...we are inheritors.

Come the bad with the good, the sorrows with the joys, the responsibilities with the perks, we freely accept the inheritance of eternal life and sharing the beyond belief good feeling of being on a higher spiritual plane. 

We all start out as slaves on our life's journey...the inheritance is ours for the taking. 
Be a good heir.

Peace be with you.

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