Readings: Joel 2:12-19, 1John 1:5-9, Matthew 6:16-21
It's an understatement to say that we have become a "transparent" society. We live our lives in a fishbowl, whether we admit it or not. Through a growing number of social media opportunities, people transmit out to others--family, friends,acquaintances, strangers--their most every thought, disappointment, purchase, happiness.
Is this necessarily a bad thing? No. However...
One doesn't have to read too far down through a typical day on any social media posts before seeing the usual predictable items: what I bought, what I want, how I feel. Sometimes I say to myself, "Yikes...too much information." Few filters are used. Balance is needed.
For that, we can look to the original social media tool--the Bible.
We are given a very clear set of instructions as we go about our lives, whether or without the immediate posting option.
In Matthew, the filters are applied: with this instruction, Lent comes to mind. During Lent, many choose to give up something in order to meditate upon the word of God and teachings of Christ during the time that would have normally been spent on the item or time given up. It's very tempting to broadcast the fasting--but our instructions say no. This is a personal issue between a person and God; use a filter and keep it personal.
Really? No posting, no blogging of progress?
Nope. Just you and God. And...a bit more instruction. Not only no broadcasting, but no outward signs of denial. All should look as it does every other day of the world. Wow...not what we've become accustomed to in our world of telephones, email, and social media.
Another no no? All that earthy collecting. Our instructions in Matthew go on to tell us not to gather up treasures on Earth. They're guaranteed to fall apart or wear out, and eventually lose all their value. Also, in the age of transparency, people tend to get a little cavalier with sharing information with the world. It's not unusual for someone to post, in a space of a short amount of time, the fact that they are the proud new owner of __________ AND they'll be vacating the house at __________. To those who walk in the open invitation. Apply filters, folks. Don't help with the temptation business. And, while on the topic...maybe ease up a bit on the excessive "I need"; "For wherever your treasure is, your heart will be also" (Matthew 6:21).
Now that filtering "God style" has been covered, how about some transparency "God style"?
In Joel 2, here's a little known man, with little known background, that wrote or helped write a book in the Old Testament that carries, in few words, great meaning that many regularly recite in their chosen church's religious services: "Return to the Lord your God for he is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love" (v. 13). That's something worth a share. Another well-known verse in 1John that is recited as a confession, "If we claim to have fellowship with him, yet we walk in darkness, we lie and do not live by the truth" (1:6). God not only asks us to share the message of transparency; he asks us to live transparently--or, perhaps, more correctly, in the light.
"God is light; in him there is no darkness at all" (1John 1:5) We're invited to have that relief of clarity every day, living in a space where all the dark corners of the room are well lit with no troublesome shadows. To those of you in the 40+ group, you understand the frustration of being in a dimly lit room and trying to read something. It seems the shadows make seeing the text almost impossible. What a relief when the lights are brightened and our eyes can readjust. With this blessing from God, it's not just our eyes that feel that wondrous relief--it's every ounce of our being. He invites us to live lives that are free from needing to hide our darker side since it will no longer exist. That's God's version of transparency.
So, in our social media world, with our instant news releases, let's remember to follow the advice of the ultimate social media specialist. The next time we start to practice transparency, let's instead practice sharing the light.
Peace be with you.
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