Sunday, February 9, 2014

Cabin Fever

Matthew 18:20--"For where two or three have come together in my name, I will be with them."

"We gather together to ask the Lord's blessing, He chastens and hastens His will to make known; the wicked oppressing, now cease from distressing, sing praises to His name, He forgets not His own."--Gedneckledck and Kremser; translated by Baker.

I have to admit it--I've had my fill of winter. I smiled through December and enjoyed that first big snowfall and frigid weather that kept us housebound and I used the term "cozy". I, like everyone else, soldiered through January with the expectation of snow, bone-chilling winds, and slippery spots everywhere. And, even though February is obviously deeply imbedded into our winter months, the over-all lack of being able to carry on with normal routines due to not even being able to safely leave the driveway is beginning to wear a little thin. 

I guess I have succumbed to a bit of cabin fever.  

I know I'm not alone. 

Frankly, we need fellowship; there are always things that can be done at home and done by ourselves, but God created us to need one another. I can tell I need fellowship when Tom is away working long hours, and I get anxious knowing that going down that stretch of our ice-rink driveway is out of the question. I stay busy with cooking, cleaning, sewing, planning gardens, reading, writing...but it's just not the same as getting "aired out" as we say around here. It's good to hear a voice other than one's own.

 I read a friend's post on Facebook earlier this morning that said a great deal in few words. It simply stated that "I want to go to church. I miss it." That speaks volumes. We need to "gather together to ask the Lord's blessing" as the hymn says.    

Matthew 18:20 also tells us that we are to meet together in groups...even with just one other person. It will strengthen us. As the old saying goes, "Two heads are better than one." Contemporary research shows us that being with others in relaxed settings will help our emotional states--even with just one other person. We have less time to dwell on ourselves. We have less time to ruminate on things that are happening, or, worse yet, might happen. If we find ourselves alone, even picking up the phone and talking with someone helps a great deal. We make the connections. 

We can all revive our spirits in knowing that the sun will shine brightly again, we will feel its warming rays, and the spring fresh air will return. Each day gets a little more daylight; we are heading in the right direction. Nevertheless, it's good to remember to give ourselves some "together time" with our loved ones, friends, and maybe even discovering a new friend in a former stranger. Our cabin fever will break, and we will be once again refreshed. 

Peace be with you. 

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