Stand in line at any grocery store by the periodicals and we're instantly bombarded by the word "Control". "Control your weight", "Control your life", "Control your children", "Control your work environment". Control, control, control...we do seem to love the idea of being in control.
Perhaps we need to be in control to assure power or dominance over a situation; the "master of our universe", so to speak. There are certainly a few folks out there that would nod their heads in certain agreement that it's not only good but necessary that they feel in power or in dominance of their environment. Think not? Check the self-help section the next time you're at a mega-bookstore--the selves are over-flowing with advice on gaining control.
Most of us, however, just want to feel the sense of peace and flow that comes from a controlled environment. We're not confrontational people; we like people to get along with one another and us, we like for the dog to behave, and we like for the kids to listen. We do have a certain amount of control over some of the more basic things of life. If we weigh too much to suit, we know if we eat the right combination of foods, not too much of said food, and move around enough to satisfy the requirement for exercise, we'll most definitely be in control of that issue. If we start raising our kids the day we bring them home from the hospital and not when they're 8 or 9 years old, and all goes well with no situations that become out of our range of skills as basic caregivers, we'll be pretty successful in that capacity as well. If we carefully choose our mate and work diligently at making a marriage and a home, we'll more than likely be happily married many years down the road. TOTAL control? Think again; it's just not going to happen. And WHY would we want to be in total control? To do so is to say that we have all the answers, can solve all the problems, and know all that is to be known. Nope. Not gonna happen. We have someone who takes care of that for us...thank God.
I always liked the joke where the guy asked God how difficult could it be to run the universe, and God, in response, said the guy could run it for an hour--He'd be back. Think about that...even Hollywood made an attempt a few years back by making a movie about the enormity of such an endeavor. I don't remember how it ended--probably Hollywood-esque well. However, the reality is that it doesn't have to be our job. And truly...we DON'T want the gig.
In Job, God gives an earful to both Job and to us. Job 38 gives a riveting reply from God to Job concerning all the glories of God and His universe. Verse 12, for example, "Have you ever once commanded the morning to appear, and cause the dawn to rise in the east? Verse 16, "Have you ever explored the springs from which the seas come, or walked the sources of their depths?" Verse 31, "Can you hold back the stars? Can you restrain Orion or Pleiades?" Yes, indeed. An earful.
We have been given one aspect of control in our lives--the challenge of having the faith of a child eliminating the need for constant control. Kids know, on any given date, that things just work. Remember when you were a kid? No worries about being in control. We had the occasional spat with our neighbor kids when we all wanted to be the one in charge, but we were quick to wasn't fun to hold a grudge and not get to play, so forget the control business. Too overrated! In the Gospels, when Jesus is asked what is necessary to gain entrance into the Kingdom of Heaven, one of His replies is that we need to love our neighbors as ourselves...but without any grudges. So--want a control challenge? Try that. No grudges. Forget controlling all those around us; let's try controlling ourselves. We adults have trouble with those two things--we like to be in control and we do tend to harbor those grudges.
For this week, let's get a little taste of the true peace that passes understanding. Practice the idea of not having to be in control of everything and let God do what God does in running the universe quite well. Have the faith of a child that things are going to work out if we have faith and we let go of those nasty grudges. Try it for a week...better yet...give it up for Lent. Meditate and pray about it today, tomorrow, and Tuesday. Come Ash Wednesday--give it up. Think how much better we'll all feel and how much better we'll all look to our loving Father come Easter morning.
Peace be with you.
I love, love, LOVE this post. thanks for the reminder of Truth here!