Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Others ARE Jumping Off the Cliff...Are You?

Readings: Ezekiel 34:11-16; I Peter 2:21b-25; John 10:11-16

We've all been privy to (or maybe been an active participant) in a scenario that pits a tween or teen against a parent over something that is, in the mind of the kiddo, the most important purchase, event, or opportunity known to man. This purchase, event, or opportunity is, in the mind of the parent, out of the question. Predictably, next  comes the retort from the kiddo stating that "everyone else" is buying/doing/going. Then...here it comes...that great timeless parental zinger, "If everyone else jumped off a cliff, you would too?" 

In I Peter, the folks Peter encountered pretty much acted the same way and thought the same thoughts. As a result, things were not going well from a Christian point of view. He urged  them to "keep away from the evil pleasures of the world". Don't follow the others off that proverbial cliff. The words remind us also that we are truly just passing through this life on the eternal journey; this isn't it. Not even close. Keep on the straight and narrow--obey all the laws of the land--be good examples at all times. That's enough to drive even the most self-disciplined person over that edge.  Kind of like a rubber ball being squeezed on all sides until it pops out of the compressed space--Pop! We're out; we're over the edge of the cliff happily following all those other oblivious lemmings as they go.

Fortunately for us, we have a shepherd that is always there to watch over our more lemming-like moments. And not just any shepherd...the Good Shepherd. The Good Shepherd that will not only watch over us, but actually lay down his life for us. That's how important it is that we have our Shepherd guiding us and protecting us. A regular shepherd, a "hired man" as stated in John, will "run when he sees a wolf coming and will leave the sheep" because there's no bond--they're not his, after all. So, the wolf has free reign, attacks, and the flock is scattered to and fro. That analogy gives a perfect view of how Satan is always there, lying in wait, ready to attack. Thankfully, we sheep have a shepherd who is so caring of us that, even though he has sheep scattered here, there, and everywhere, He is constantly calling to us and bringing us back to His close protection. 

God reiterates this message to us in Ezekiel. "I will search and find my sheep. I will find my sheep and rescue them from all the places they were scattered in that dark and cloudy day." We are not only promised being rescued from dangers that surround us, but also being brought to lush pastures, and, if needed, having our wounds mended as well. We are indeed in good hands.

So, the message is clear, just as it is from a caring parent when we're acting our worst in wanting, needing, and grousing. Would we bail off the cliff lemming-like? From time to time--probably. Are we a being watched over, cared for, and sheltered even though we don't really deserve it?  Always.

Peace be with you.

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