Sunday, March 2, 2014

Ash Wednesday--Giving Up or Giving In?

Reading: Romans 12:2--"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect." (ESV)

This coming Wednesday is Ash Wednesday. For many years I have chosen to given up something for Lent. The days before Ash Wednesday have always been spent pondering what would constitute a good "sacrifice" for the Lenten season. With my former less-than-stellar eating habits, I've been known to go without cheeseburgers on white fluffy buns, sugar, or some other junk food that would be just enough of a culinary sacrifice to make me feel the pinch of "giving up" something.

Now, as Ash Wednesday and Lent once again approaches, my thoughts have turned more from "giving up" to "giving in". What does this mean? Perhaps "giving in" is a deeper, more spiritual  approach to better appreciate just how much more quality one's life can have on this Earth during one's short time here. We have a limited number of days here at "Earth School". During that short time, we have a lot to learn and to discover. Too many times we get caught up in the mundane, virtually meaningless drivel of day-to-day existence. As the old saying goes, we live life a "mile wide and an inch deep".

I don't want that anymore--I search to live a mile deep, if only an inch wide.

I think, for me, "giving in" will help me find that greater depth.  So what will I "give up  and give in"?

On a base level, I plan to give up foods and habits that keep my temple from being at its best.  I will mindfully "give up" the glue of gluten and practice yoga faithfully. My prayer is that these two determined practices will allow me to obtain the next phase--"giving in".  I want to consciously "give in" to the wisdom that surrounds me that is of God and his son, Jesus Christ. Taking time to take care of my bodily temple, I will take the time to learn the wisdom and patience that is required to not just go through the motions. Learning this skill and honing it will allow me to expand my conscious day-to-day thoughts and actions. I will be able to walk closer with Christ in this earthly journey.

So, on this approaching blessed Ash Wednesday, I invite you to allow yourself and "give up" and "give in"...and peace be with you. 

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