Friday, March 4, 2011

Lightening the Load

I'm beginning to feel that wonderful familiar pull of the seasons changing from winter into glorious spring. The days are getting longer, minute by minute. The cooler days--when the sun is shining--have a tinge of warmth to them that hints at the coming season. 

As I tossed my now longer hair up in a ponytail the other day, I decided it was time to lighten the load, so to speak, for the coming season. Spring always gives that feel of airiness, and the weight of the hair on my head seemed out of character with the way the rest of me was feeling. So...out came the scissors and the razor and off came the hair with great gusto. And, while I'm at it, why not a color change? I think I remember what color my hair is naturally--close enough. In my spirit of lightening the load, I'm thinking when I gear the color down, I can eventually shed the color in favor of the "now" natural color...whatever that will be.

So the load has been lightened--a good feeling indeed. Little care, little trouble. Sounds a whole lot like how God tells us to remember to live our lives. He gives us that wonderful news in John: "Peace I leave with you; My peace I now give and bequeath to you" (14:27). Wonder why we don't shed our worries? Probably one of our greatest failures as humans.

Today start fresh--recognize the feel of spring in the breeze, the differing light,   the "lightening of the load" of sloughing off of the heaviness of winter. And, more importantly, let's take God at His word...let's take that glorious feeling of PEACE that He's freely offering and use that gift to the fullest. 

Peace be with you.

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