Tuesday, August 2, 2011

A Voice in the Desert

Readings: Isaiah 40:1-8; I Corinthians 4:1-5; Matthew 11:2-10

Ever feel like you're just not being heard no matter how hard you try? You see a situation rising where someone near and dear to you will be hurt. You try and try to help him/her see how things will turn out, yet it falls on deaf ears. Frustrating?

John the Baptist was that voice in the desert. He shared, he preached, he warned, he pronounced the coming of Christ to mankind's less than pristine world. Did many listen?
Later, (in Matthew) when asked about John the Baptist, Jesus himself referred to John as one of the most blessed; that seems like a true definer of credibility. Did many listen to Jesus about John?
Still later, when Paul was giving the Corinthians a good tongue-lashing, he was--more or less--just another voice in the desert. 
Few listened.

Why do we not listen? Because we're human. Human=fallible. We get to a certain point in our lives and we think we're there...we've arrived. Our consciences couldn't be clearer; we're good people.
Think again...that was God's, John's, Jesus', and Paul's suggestion--to think again, that is.
Is the conscience clear or is it full of self-righteousness?
Remember? Fallible?
Maybe we do need to listen just a bit.

On the other side of the row, what makes these people then and people yet today try and try and try again even though they themselves realize they're just talking into the wind?

Stewardship...pure and simple. We are all called to be stewards; few heed the call. Fewer still are willing to carry on through the suspicious or incredulous looks, the push-back, and the basic dislike received for being a good steward of God. Face it, you're not going to win any popularity contests. You can't be liked at all times by everyone and be a good and aggressive steward...just doesn't work that way.
John the Baptist literally lost his head for it.
Paul spent a load of time in prison for it.
Christ gave his life for it.
Not an easy job.
But we still can't give up...it's too important to others.

And, there's that secret. With more and deeper knowledge of God's plan, comes greater insight to that secret--that wisdom.
It's also our duty; our destiny.

Being good is great--being self-righteous can be time-consuming for everyone involved.
A little humility goes a long way. God's gives us reason for a bit of humility in Isaiah 40:8: "The grass [mankind] withers, and the flower [mankind's glory] falls, but the word of our God stands forever."
His word also speaks of the humbling of the mighty, the self-righteous, the judgmental: "Every valley shall be raised up--every mountain and hill made low--the rough ground will be made level and rugged places a plain" (Isaiah 40:4-5)
We're all on even ground; we're all called to be stewards to one another.

Let's get hopping on that. Let's join our voices together in this desert. Let's learn more of the glorious secret of eternal life.

Peace be with you.

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