Monday, March 26, 2012

Raised Up

Readings: 2 Kings 2:9-15, Genesis 5:21-24, Acts 1:1-11, Mark 16:14-20

Ever feel like the world is sometimes just too much? You look up to the beautiful blue and peaceful sky and think how nice it would be to just float up beyond all the trouble, sickness, hurting, and anger of the world.

Just like it happened to Elijah and Enoch...and Christ.

The stories of Elijah and Enoch have always been fascinating. It's hard to imagine a person, while still alive and functioning, to be lifted up into the heavens. Yet it happened--at least three in our readings in the Bible. The third, of course, was the ascension of Christ.

Even though we might not be lifted up physically, we nevertheless can rest assured that we will be lifted up spiritually any time we need it. Just as Elisha asked Elijah for a double portion of his spirit, so can we ask for a double portion of faith, of hope, of understanding, of patience. 

Sometimes, however, it seems it might be just as easy to float up to the clouds as it is to ask for these things from our loving Father.


Maybe pride, maybe fear, maybe a lack of understanding just how important a good dose of the spirit is for us and for those around us. It's difficult for us to take that deep breath, to humble ourselves, to move beyond the world of worry and self-doubt and just ask...ask for that double portion of spirit.

But...once we receive that spirit...we will soar. Maybe not in body, but certainly in spirit.

Peace be with you.

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