Sunday, October 6, 2013

Doing the Right Thing

Exodus 20: 1-17  Mark 12:31

I normally try to keep this blog spiritually based and keep the "profane" of the world out of the central focus. However, after the past couple of weeks, it seems appropriate to voice my frustrations--frustrations of many, I'm guessing.

Doing the right thing. During these irritating times when those of us in the United States become more and more appalled day after day while helplessly watching our elected officials acting more like selfish and entitled spoiled children rather than the statesmen and women they claim to be, we wonder where common sense and clear thinking has gone.

And then, this morning, during the usual political prattle that has become commonplace from the D.C. folks, the term slipped out from one of those folks..."doing the right thing".

My first reaction was how dare you use this term only to push your poorly thought-out arguments.

Doing the right thing. How have we slid so far from center that this morally loaded phrase has lost all meaning?

Maybe we need to head back to the rule book--the original "Big 10". A straightforward, simple set of rules that a child can understand. Here's a few of these ageless rules revisited. Perhaps the egos in tailored suits running amuck in our country's capitol might want to briefly review:

No idols...that includes yourselves, ladies and gentlemen. Your egos have become so unbearably inflated that you believe anything (and I do mean anything) that comes from your mouth. You've increasingly built up yourselves to be idols...bad move.

No stealing...Stop it. Stealing comes in all forms. You're stealing not only currency from the pockets of the taxpayers, but more importantly, you're stealing the very heart of people of all walks of life. While you're pretending to keep our best interests on the forefront, you're actually driving the morale of the country down to some of its absolute lowest levels.

No false testimony against your about less back stabbing for the sake of your own ego and more working together for the good of those you're suppose to be serving...remember us? The ones who go to work each day and try to keep the country running and running well despite the present situation?

And one more for good measure...Love your neighbors as you love yourself. Health care? Why is it okay for us but not those of you in power? Employment? Again, why do you continue to demand high salaries with no annual evaluations while, at the same time, you're not allowing people who want to work and to support their families go about their business with decent employment? I don't see this as loving one's neighbor as oneself.

Thankfully and mercifully, there are many many people who still look out for one another day after day. Nameless people who will make sure that bills are paid, homes are cooled or warmed, pantries are not empty. We the people. No matter what the conditions in Washington, we will continue to live these heavenly rules to the best of our abilities. They, ladies and gentlemen, are doing the right thing. Bless them all.

Peace be with you.

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